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V2EX 第 466251 号会员,加入于 2020-01-21 15:58:30 +08:00
zfatcat 最近回复了
2021-04-12 11:09:31 +08:00
回复了 az467 创建的主题 Android APKPure v3.17.18 被植入木马
On April 8, we informed APKPure about the issue. On April 9, APKPure representatives replied that they saw the problem and were working on the fix. Shortly after that, a new version (3.17.19) appeared on the APKPure website. According to itsdescription, the update “Fixed a potential security problem, making APKPure safer to use.”
We can confirm that the problem has indeed been fixed: APKPure 3.17.19 doesn’t contain the malicious component. It is safe to use.
How to guard against Trojanized APKPure
文章后半部分好像说修复了,我看了一下好像我装的是 3.17.16 ,点进去他让我更新 19,不更新就用不了,想了一下还是卸载了,心有余悸,幸好之前没更新 18
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