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2012-12-20 00:51:47 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Project Babel 新功能 - CMD + Enter 提交
@liuhang0077 老板好,谢谢
@nichan 这位大哥能分享下搜索结果吗 ;)
@vking 看来我太不懂市场行情了...嗯,就当初学费用了,能学到点东西还是不错的
@dndx 这样一来的话,在iOS或者Android这类移动设备上就无法访问咯?

@shiny,所以说,有了真东西学习起来都要快些了 :)
@chairo 感谢~已google到方法并修改完成了
@shiny ...见笑了...
2012-12-18 11:58:11 +08:00
回复了 flyingkid 创建的主题 分享发现 一打开豆瓣以为自己输入错了上了google

The Practice of Computing Using Python by Bill Punch and Rich Enbody

ISBN-10: 0136110673
ISBN-13: 9780136110675
Addison-Wesley, 696 pp, 02/25/2010
The Computer Science Department of Michigan State University converted their Introduction to Programming Course CSE 231 to Python in the Fall of 2007. One of the products of this change was this textbook, written as a general introduction to CS1 using Python. The book adopts the theme of "data manipulation" for its examples, focusing on using real-world datasets and manipulating them (averages, graphs, indicies, searches, etc.) in various ways.

The book covers the standard CS1 curriculum, and includes extensive algorithm development sections to help students in their study of computing. Supplemental material is also provided including: full set of power point slides, collaborative lab exercises, project homeworks and solutions to over 600 exercises in the book.
2012-12-15 21:17:06 +08:00
回复了 lidashuang 创建的主题 Linux a Vim interface to Gmail
nice, 回头试下, 那天尝试着在outlook下面安装vim插件没有成功
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