人多流量低看起来很有道理,事实呢?技术上是主动tcp reset过程对连接的弱化达到tcp连接被破坏的情况。所以目前来说解决这个问题的最简单方案就是服务器布署多IP,通过多IP进行轮询连接。看看这日志,人为的技术阻挡。垃圾网络啊。
50秒 4个 51秒 24个(破纪录了,上次的最高纪录是12个) 52秒 8个 53 6个
4秒高达 38 个
2015.08.09 20:40:50 LOG3[1425]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:50 LOG5[1425]: Connection reset: 1971 byte(s) sent to SSL, 11362 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:50 LOG3[1431]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:50 LOG5[1431]: Connection reset: 3875 byte(s) sent to SSL, 20117 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1435]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1435]: Connection reset: 1971 byte(s) sent to SSL, 7550 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1429]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1429]: Connection reset: 1971 byte(s) sent to SSL, 8006 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1421]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1421]: Connection reset: 1019 byte(s) sent to SSL, 2880 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1443]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1443]: Connection reset: 1019 byte(s) sent to SSL, 2381 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1441]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1441]: Connection reset: 3875 byte(s) sent to SSL, 16385 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1445]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1445]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1427]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1427]: Connection reset: 1019 byte(s) sent to SSL, 3155 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1439]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1439]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1423]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1423]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1434]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1434]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1424]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1424]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG3[1436]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:51 LOG5[1436]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG3[1438]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG5[1438]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG3[1430]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG5[1430]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG3[1442]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG5[1442]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG3[1432]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:52 LOG5[1432]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:53 LOG3[1440]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:53 LOG5[1440]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:53 LOG3[1422]: SSL_read: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)
2015.08.09 20:40:53 LOG5[1422]: Connection reset: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:53 LOG5[1446]: Connection closed: 2961 byte(s) sent to SSL, 19861 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.08.09 20:40:53 LOG5[1428]: Connection closed: 543 byte(s) sent to SSL, 189 byte(s) sent to socket
没办法,现在的软件真的是越来越流氓了,即便潜意识安装过程中非常小心,也有过几次默认在哪个安装界面就钩上的情况,现在的软件做得简直就是小时候玩的游戏 大家来找错,一不小心就给你装上一堆软件,连带卸载的按钮都,搞得这么花,拼视力。
这就是著名的tcp reset。
第二次飞越则是将家里的线路支持ipv6,然后1个ipv6 1个ipv4进行轮询操作,现在下午16:53就靠它来编绎openwrt了,这个时间还能有个60kb-300kb的波动。
要用firefox chrome的时候才发现被什么东西处处挡着,影响速度,影响效率,想来就生气。
With certificate authentication, when the connection source computer attempts to connect to the Virtual Hub it presents a user name together with an X.509 electronic certificate. The SoftEther VPN Server checks whether is correct and the connection source computer is only allowed to connect if it passes.
The connection source computer must possess certificate data and a private key (RSA private key) that corresponds to the public key in the certificate to present. Certificate data is sent from the connection source computer to the VPN Server by private key data is not transmitted. Next the VPN Server sends random number data (called challenge values) to the client. When the client receives the data, it signs it by the private key it possesses and returns the data. VPN Server verifies the signature data sent by the client using the public key in the electronic certificate initially received and makes sure that the client computer has the certificate and corresponding private key (if it can't be confirmed, user authentication fails on the spot). It subsequently checks if the certificate subsequently presented by the client matches the attributed defined for each user as user authentication data. You can select either individual certificate authentication or signed certificate authentication as the test method at this time.
A B 公司如果不是直属关系,这种网络结构会造成安全漏洞的。如果未经网管同意还是别这样搞,省得出问题。毕竟将两个lan桥在一起,安全风险非常大。
相对安全的方式就是采用socks5代理,但是socks5代理在下载一些链接时不知道为什么没反应,就需要挂上vpn了,而且如果B公司没有网管参与的话,就必须通过反向连接的方式才能穿透nat,而这同样要求A公司具备公网ip。A公司如果也没公网ip,就需要借助vps C,A<>c<>B。
搜一下 Build a LAN-to-LAN VPN (Using L3 IP Routing)
可以实现两个不同网段通过虚拟l3 路由方式桥接在一起,然后使用静态路由。目前家里的openwrt路由就是通过tun0接口跟vps桥接在一起的,中间通过双证书加密连接。
为什么不问问电信搞什么动态限速。每天见国外流量下降的第一反应就是kill pppd,然后网速又飞快了,接着没速度,接着kill pppd。人家就是把用户当傻瓜。
这个天天有人问。网上比较好的就是flora pac这是个根据国内外路由表进行选择,一刀切所有的国外ip都用代理。
android下一直找不到类似兼容实现,在路由器或者windows安装privoxy,网上有个proxy.action的例子,实现根据域名黑白名单进行选择性代理。然后可以安装smartproxy proxydroid想代理就代理。这些都不关心dns问题,所有代理的解析都将通过远程socks5代理服务器进行解析。
下载.net framework就统统的302,网上是有屏蔽的方法,但是操作以后网络更不可访问。所以习惯就好,不要把正常文件变成病毒就谢天谢地了。
早些年在路由里对360网站用dnsmasq做了屏蔽,强制所有的udp 53只能通过本地网关解析。正常情况下dns解析结果应该为0.0.0.0
结果那段时间在跟360打架的腾讯 QQ手机浏览器 竟然可以正常访问,IOS跟android的版本都可以脱离本地dnsmasq控制,正常访问360网站。不知道软件内置了什么东东。
2,1 ipv4 + 3 ipv6,其中两个ipv6还是第三方提供的tunnel,自从用了ipv6再也没注意到频繁的tcp reset,即便有,4个ip轮流切换看谁快。。。
经过加密的线路,明显延迟比不加密的低。最近用上ipv6确实比以往的体验不大一样,但是ipv6线路高达300ms,ipv4 160ms左右。
这fail2ban是什么东东,对扫描的人也太友好了还reject-with icmp-port-unreachable应该是直接drop。这种现象很正常的用routeos的时候,每天外网发起的扫描高达260+,扫一个封一个。。。