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内推是最有效、直接、快速的求职方式,HR 会优先筛选内推简历,快人一步成为人生赢家。
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Java 开发
✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科 /硕士学历;
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 1 年以上 Java 开发实操经验~

✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科 /硕士学历
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 1 年以上 C++开发实操经验~;

Javascript 开发
✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科 /硕士学历
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 1 年以上前端开发实操经验~

devops 工程师
✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科学历,
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 3 年以上 python,linux 相关实操经验~;

✔️ 理工科背景+优秀的英语能力(需和国外 BI 专家级别对接~
✔️ 经验不限,感兴趣的童鞋别犹豫!(欢迎 2020/2021 届应届生
@xufengbing 蚂蚁是我向往公司之一。我司小伙伴过去,不少都是 P7 起步的。
@ethandyr 高手!你可以自己 twitter 他。
@xufengbing 蚂蚁的大神啊!你们是在 G 座吧?

你的评论大大丰富了这个帖子。 喜欢外企的联络我, 喜欢挑战下 996 的可以联络你。
@phdh71 不是外包呢。
@ethandyr 是的,你跟了吗?

******(Senior) Software Engineer – C++, Java ******
Hangzhou, China

The Role:
The Senior Software Engineer will be a key member of an Agile Software Development team performing C++ or Java development. In this role, you will provide our customers with the most powerful, scalable, and user-friendly platforms for analytics, mobility, and security. You play a role in enabling MicroStrategy products to be best-in-breed and optimized for leading organizations to analyze big data and distribute actionable business insight across their enterprise.

Job Description:
• Lead the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms, applications, and features.
• Proactively participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle of feature development, including input on specifications, designs, implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and delivery.
• Support technical support engineers with high-level and escalated customer issues.
• Participate in peer code reviews, knowledge sharing, and SCRUM meetings.
• Learn an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to software products and development processes.

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is preferred.
Minimum 4 years of software development experience with real world knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental concepts.
Strong C++ or Java skills in client or server-side development.
Familiarity with SQL, RDBMS, JNI, JDBC or web services is a good plus.
Strong debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
Good communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong learning ability, result and delivery oriented.

******(Senior) Software Engineer – JavaScript ******
The Role:
The Software Engineer will be a key member of an Agile Software Development team performing JavaScript development. In this role, you will provide our customers with the most powerful, scalable, and user-friendly platforms for analytics, mobility, and security. You play a role in enabling MicroStrategy products to be best-in-breed and optimized for leading organizations to analyze big data and distribute actionable business insight across their enterprise.

Job Description:
• Lead the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms, applications, and features.
• Proactively participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle of feature development, including input on specifications, designs, implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and delivery.
• Support technical support engineers with high-level and escalated customer issues.
• Participate in peer code reviews, knowledge sharing, and SCRUM meetings.
• Learn an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to software products and development processes.

• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is preferred.
• Minimum 1 year of software development experience with real world knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental concepts.
• Strong knowledge of front-end web technologies: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS is required.
• Familiarity with React, ES6 or REST is a plus.
• Have any knowledge of Java frameworks like Jersey, Spring, servlet technologies, Java app containers like Jetty, Tomcat, etc. is a good plus.
• Strong debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
• Good communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong learning ability, result and delivery oriented.

******Support Engineer ******

The Role:
MicroStrategy Technical Support ensures the success of our customers’ investment in our technology. This dedicated and uniquely talented team of engineers provides unmatched service to our worldwide customers and partners through commitment to customer satisfaction and dedication to personalized support. The group’s mission is simple: maintain the continuity and efficiency of MSTR BI solutions through a range of options from access to product-specific knowledge bases, to access to 24x7 product experts, to the extension of dedicated support engineers, etc. The department offers four levels of services: Standard Support, Extended Support, Premier Support, and Elite Support. Wherever your skill level lies and your ambition pushes you, there is a place for you as part of this high-energy, collaborative team.

Job Description:
• Provide complex and challenging support for MicroStrategy’s Business Intelligence product suite and its underlying technologies.
• Develop strong relationships with MicroStrategy customers and partners through daily interactions during customer project development and production system maintenance.
• Find creative and sophisticated solutions to problems reported while using MicroStrategy’s product suite through analytical talent and strong troubleshooting abilities.
• Work in a strong team environment to provide unparalleled support to customers in a wide variety of industries.
• Prioritize and communicate product defects and enhancements to development teams.
• Contribute to research and growth of the MicroStrategy Knowledge Base by creating customer-facing documentation of all technical solutions and product documentation addendums.
• Enhance personal and professional growth by participating in Internal Training Programs, which offer a five-week technical orientation program as well as weekly training seminars for all team members.

• Bachelor’s degree, preferably in a technical field (Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, etc.).
• Strong technical and analytical skills.
• Excellent communication skills
• Java, Visual Basic, HTML, XML/XSL, ASP, SQL technologies are a plus.
• Database (SQL, RDBMS) knowledge is a plus.
• Customer service experience is a plus.

******Cloud Product Specialist ******

Job Description:
• Take ownership of cross-team issues and Cloud service issues including pro-actively communicating across teams to coordinate activities.
• Create automation and experiment with the latest technologies for next-generation product backends in AWS and Azure.
• Design for quality, robustness, and performance, with common principles, patterns, and best practices.
• Identify and drive opportunities for improving the MCE service and infrastructure maintenance/management.
• Direct support for customer upgrades, strategic customer escalations, and feature validation.
• Customer escalations resolution and preventative maintenance for lessons learned.
• Design and run automated tests. Continuously improve software development, building, testing, and deployment processes.
• Collaborate with and support other engineers within the team and from other teams in China, the United States, and Poland.

• BSc/MSc in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering or a related discipline preferred.
• Strong troubleshooting, technical and analytical skills.
• Excellent communication and technical mentoring skills.
• MicroStrategy Platform troubleshooting knowledge; platform usage or administration knowledge.
• Previous experience with customers is required.
• A Proven combination of Python, Ansible, Jenkins, and PowerShell experience is required.
• Experience with RedHat, Amazon Linux, and Windows is highly preferred.
• Experience with deployments in AWS or Azure is highly preferred.
• Solid understanding of web and internet architectures. REST and microservices practices are highly preferred.
• Good communication skills in English and the ability to work as part of a team.
杭州黄龙万科中心 A 座

内推邮箱 [email protected]

Java 开发
✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科 /硕士学历;
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 1 年以上 Java 开发实操经验~

✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科 /硕士学历
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 1 年以上 C++开发实操经验~;

Javascript 开发
✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科 /硕士学历
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 1 年以上前端开发实操经验~

devops 工程师
✔️ 计算机科学与技术,软件工程专业,本科学历,
✔️ 具备一定的英语沟通能力;
✔️ 3 年以上 python,linux 相关实操经验~;

云产品专家, 技术支持工程师
✔️ 理工科背景+优秀的英语能力(需和国外 BI 专家级别对接~
✔️ 经验不限,感兴趣的童鞋别犹豫!(欢迎 2020/2021 届应届生
2020-12-29 20:06:46 +08:00
回复了 BIbestbest 创建的主题 酷工作 [MicroStrategy 微策略] N 多职位内推
2020 12 月 28 日最新职位!


- Software Engineer - C++, Java

- Senior Software Engineer – C++, Java

- Software Engineer – JavaScript

- Senior Software Engineer – JavaScript

- Support Engineer

- Cloud Product Specialist
虚位以待。Up up up~欢迎咨询
2019-11-13 13:47:49 +08:00
回复了 BIbestbest 创建的主题 酷工作 [社招内推] [MicroStrategy 微策略] Cloud Application Engineer
Up up up~
Up up up~欢迎咨询
2019-11-08 14:06:22 +08:00
回复了 BIbestbest 创建的主题 酷工作 [社招内推] [MicroStrategy 微策略] Cloud Application Engineer
Up up up~
3 年以上商务智能 ETL 应用程序使用经验 ( Informatica 组件如 PowerCenter 和云存储),SQL Server 的使用经验(存储过程、触发器、视图等)为佳
3 年以上商务智能 ETL 应用程序使用经验 ( Informatica 组件如 PowerCenter 和云存储),SQL Server 的使用经验(存储过程、触发器、视图等)为佳
2019-10-14 11:27:29 +08:00
回复了 BIbestbest 创建的主题 酷工作 [社招内推] [MicroStrategy 微策略] Cloud Application Engineer
3 年以上商务智能 ETL 应用程序使用经验 ( Informatica 组件如 PowerCenter 和云存储),SQL Server 的使用经验(存储过程、触发器、视图等)为佳
2019-10-09 19:16:58 +08:00
回复了 BIbestbest 创建的主题 酷工作 [社招内推] [MicroStrategy 微策略] Cloud Application Engineer
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