The base64 online decoding tool provides base64 encoding,base64 online decoding,base64 encryption and decryption, Base64 encryption of strings, and display of encrypted Base64 online decoding and decrypting as plain text. Base64 is a common online encryption algorithm. When solving Chinese garbled characters, encoding Chinese characters in different ways can effectively avoid Chinese garbled characters. This site will not record any information about you, please feel free to use.
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kkk9 2023-09-13 22:18:09 +08:00
这是把 V2 当 SEO 啊 >w<
clandyuki 2023-09-14 16:31:59 +08:00
不是,这直接调用 btoa atob 不就行了吗😂
vvhy 2023-09-14 23:23:39 +08:00
浏览器小书签 data:text/html,<input oninput='nextSibling.value=btoa(value)'><input oninput='previousSibling.value=atob(value)'>
freekindom 2023-09-18 15:59:54 +08:00
data:text/html,<input oninput='this.nextSibling.value=btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(this.value)))'><input oninput='this.previousSibling.value=decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(this.value)))'> |