Zoozy 2023-04-14 12:10:34 +08:00
在这个函数中,您需要使用 RTMP 协议将 H264 编码的裸流数据推送到 RTMP 服务器上,以便在视频播放器中显示。
以下是可能的实现方式: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include "librtmp/rtmp.h" #define RTMP_HEAD_SIZE (sizeof(RTMPPacket)+RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE) static void LiveviewConvertH264ToRgbCallback(E_DjiLiveViewCameraPosition position, const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t bufLen) { static RTMP *rtmp = NULL; static char *url = "rtmp://your-rtpm-server-url.com/live/stream"; static int fps = 30; static int width = 1280; static int height = 720; if (!rtmp) { rtmp = RTMP_Alloc(); RTMP_Init(rtmp); rtmp->Link.timeout = 5; // Timeout in seconds RTMP_SetupURL(rtmp, url); RTMP_EnableWrite(rtmp); RTMP_SetBufferMS(rtmp, 3600*1000); // Set the buffer size to 1 hour if (!RTMP_Connect(rtmp, NULL) || !RTMP_ConnectStream(rtmp, 0)) { RTMP_Free(rtmp); rtmp = NULL; std::cerr << "Failed to connect to RTMP server" << std::endl; return; } } // Create and initialize RTMP packet RTMPPacket packet = {0}; RTMPPacket_Alloc(&packet, bufLen + RTMP_HEAD_SIZE); packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO; packet.m_nChannel = 0x04; // Fill in the packet headers char *data_ptr = packet.m_body; data_ptr[0] = 0x17; // Video codec id: 7 (AVC) data_ptr[1] = 0x01; // AVCPacketType: 1 (NALU without length field) *((uint32_t *)(data_ptr + 2)) = 0x01000000; // Composition time offset: 0 std::memcpy(data_ptr + 6, buf, bufLen); packet.m_nTimeStamp = RTMP_GetTime() - RTMP_GetStartTime(rtmp); packet.m_nBodySize = bufLen + 5; if (!RTMP_SendPacket(rtmp, &packet, TRUE)) { std::cerr << "Failed to send packet to RTMP server" << std::endl; } // Free memory used by packet RTMPPacket_Free(&packet); } ``` 在此实现中,我们使用 librtmp 库来完成 RTMP 协议的推流。在函数中的第一个参数 position 未被使用,因为它不需要对这个问题产生任何影响。 该代码假定你已经熟练掌握了 RTMP 协议和使用方法,并且服务器配置正确。 by gpt |