Another AI experiment of mine. LoopGPT
LoopGPT triggers a conversation between two AI chatbots, John and Jane, based the user-defined context and an initial message. Later you can export the conversation history as JSON file. Ideally, you could give AI a topic, and let it brainstorm ideas for a podcast episode, blog website, story thread, and so on.
LoopGPT (powered by gpt-3.5-turbo, temp=0.7) 根据用户定义的上下文和初始消息触发两个 AI 聊天机器人 John 和 Jane 之间的对话。 稍后您可以将对话历史记录导出为 JSON 文件。 理想情况下,您可以给 AI 一个主题,让它集思广益,为播客剧集、博客网站、故事线索等集思广益。