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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[Shenzhen] QA Engineer Assistant/Lab Assistant

  •   Julia96 · 2022-08-19 18:46:48 +08:00 · 1119 次点击
    这是一个创建于 764 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Position Description:
    Assistance on hardware issues, installing and using software programs, printing documents, and understanding and using certain operating systems.

    Manual and automated testing of the client-server software applications:
    - Provide timely technical support and assistance to QA and Developer's teams
    - Receive, install and maintain hardware equipment and supplies
    - Collaborate with the engineering team and other stakeholders
    to understand functional and non-functional requirements
    - Triage and log bugs and defects

    Higher technical education (ready to hire a student)
    Software testing principles knowledge
    Experience in preparation of software test documentation
    Knowledge of client-server application work principles
    Knowledge of Windows and Linux on a user level
    At least 1 of experience in software development or QA
    Fluency in written and spoken English

    Will be a plus:
    Bug tracking system knowledge (BugZilla, Jira)
    Web services quality assurance experience
    Experience with databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Sybase

    We offer:
    - Opportunity to work with the new technologies and corporate-level platforms
    - Opportunities for career growth and stable payments
    - The office is located in Shenzhen

    Contacts for communication: skype (live:malatko4), Telegram: @Damn_villain or mail: [email protected]
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