type Int struct {
v int
// 不合法
for i := Int{v:0}; i.v < 10; i.v ++ {}
// 合法 1
i := Int{v:0}
for ; i.v < 10; i.v ++ {}
// 合法 2
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {}
也是网上冲浪的时候看到有人抛出的这段代码,循环体的初始化条件中不能直接赋值结构体使用。如果说赋值结构体是无返回值表达式的话,那为什么直接赋值 0 可以?
elvodn 2020-05-26 10:23:58 +08:00 1
for i := (Int{v:0}); i.v < 10; i.v++ {}
elvodn 2020-05-26 10:30:45 +08:00 3
rayhy 2020-05-26 10:49:32 +08:00
To allow complex statements to occupy a single line, a semicolon may be omitted before a closing ")" or "}". 怎么理解呢? |
elvodn 2020-05-26 10:59:48 +08:00 2
@szzhiyang @ScepterZ @linvon 我理解错了,原因是这一条 https://golang.org/ref/spec#Composite_literals A parsing ambiguity arises when a composite literal using the TypeName form of the LiteralType appears as an operand between the keyword and the opening brace of the block of an "if", "for", or "switch" statement, and the composite literal is not enclosed in parentheses, square brackets, or curly braces. In this rare case, the opening brace of the literal is erroneously parsed as the one introducing the block of statements. To resolve the ambiguity, the composite literal must appear within parentheses. |