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[外企] Proxy 中国招后端和全栈工程师 不加班 福利好 薪资给力

  •   vincent178 · 2020-03-26 21:35:40 +08:00 · 1842 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1813 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    关于 Proxy 公司 Proxy 公司 2017 年在美国硅谷成立, 致力于用科技颠覆传统体验,让生活和工作变得更简单便 捷。公司主要投资方包括凯鹏华盈、Y-combinator 等国际顶级⻛险投资机构。 Proxy 从成立至今不断推出新产品、打开新场景,目前的⻔禁与智慧办公产品已经在为包括 WeWork 在内的众多全球化公司服务。


    后端工程师 JD

    • Work with Unix based/inspired environments (Linux, BSD, OSX etc.), and developing large software systems
    • Help to define and maintain our data stores
    • Help to build and define the API for our backend
    • Build tools to help improve security, speed, and user engagement
    • Collaborate with peers to write, review, and provide feedback on code
    • Establish tech and data infrastructure in China

    Who you are

    • You are an individual contributor who has a passion for creating and supporting great products
    • You are flexible and willing to learn new technologies, frameworks, and languages on the job in a rapid manner
    • You thrive in collaborative environments, working side by side with people of all backgrounds and disciplines
    • You possess strong verbal and written communication skills
    • You enjoy and are great at solving problems, debugging, troubleshooting, as well as designing and implementing solutions to complex technical issues
    • You have a solid understanding of software development and programming languages Technical and Professional Experience
    • Bachelor or Master in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related disciplines
    • 3+ years of software development experience
    • Experience developing web applications & services in a given language
    • Experience with at least one MVC Framework and the ability to quickly learn other frameworks on the job
    • SQL and general database knowledge
    • Experience with RESTful API design
    • Strong understanding of web development protocols and security
    • Track record delivering scalable software projects
    • Experience with build, test, and deploy tools
    • Solid knowledge of testing principles & frameworks
    • Strong verbal and written communications skills in both Chinese and English

    Bonus Points

    • Experience with cloud infrastructure & services (AWS / Google Cloud / Azure )
    • Experience with serverless & microservices architectures
    • Experience with frontend frameworks like React
    • Ability to translate mockups into code
    • Understanding of good UX design principles

    全栈工程师 JD

    As a Full Stack Engineer, you will be responsible for everything ranging from frontend to backend and will work closely with our Hardware, Firmware, and Product Engineers to build solutions in a fast, collaborative process. You’ll assume an integral role in technical decisions that define our product strategy and influence the user experience.

    • Work with Unix based/inspired environments (Linux, BSD, OSX, etc.), and developing large software systems
    • Work closely with our design team to build beautiful & intuitive product features
    • Help to define and maintain our database
    • Help to build and define the API for our backend
    • Build tools to help improve security, speed, and user engagement
    • Collaborate with peers to write, review, and provide feedback on code
    • Work with our global team on localization and innovation from China

    Who you are

    • You are an individual contributor who has a passion for creating and supporting great products
    • You are flexible and willing to learn new technologies, frameworks and languages on the job in a rapid manner
    • You thrive in collaborative environments, working side by side with people of all backgrounds and disciplines
    • You possess strong verbal and written communication skills
    • You enjoy and are great at solving problems, debugging, troubleshooting, as well as designing and implementing solutions to complex technical issues
    • You have a solid understanding of software development and programming languages

    Required Technical and Professional Experience

    • Bachelor or Master in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related disciplines
    • 3+ years of software development experience
    • Strong knowledge of JavaScript (libraries and tooling) and NodeJS
    • Experience with at least one Framework and the ability to quickly learn other frameworks on the job
    • SQL and general database knowledge
    • Experience with RESTful API design
    • Strong understanding of web development protocols and security
    • Front-end (CSS) frameworks like Foundation or Bootstrap
    • Track record delivering scalable software projects
    • Experience with a build, test, & deploy tools
    • Ability to translate mockups into front-end code

    简历发到 dmg3MTU3QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ== base64 解一下

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