大家期待已久的 GopherChina 2019 终于来了,今年我们终于要去北京了, 时间定在 4.27-4.28 ,4.26 会有一个会前培训,嘉宾目前基本上 90%已经确定,都是来自一线的解决实践,今年我们更加偏向于工程和技术深度的分享,我们后续会逐步发布出来,目前早鸟票开放了,
培训主题:Advanced Ultimate Go
This class has been designed over the past 4 years and goes beyond just being a language class. There will be very little teaching of syntax and a big focus on learning how to read and understand the code you are writing. With a big understanding of “ if performance matters ” then these things matter. We will talk about semantics, guidelines, mechanical sympathy and data oriented design. We are going to talk about writing concurrent code and how to effectively use channels. Then I will dig into benchmarking and profile tooling. We will talk a lot about composition and design.
Everyone is going to be mentally exhausted by the end of the day. We will be challenging every student to think about what they are doing and why. In the 4 years we have taught this material, we never had someone not appreciate the class and feel like they are a better developer for it. If you want your team to be a better Go developer, code reviewer, designer and architect, this is the class you want to take.
A basic understanding of the Go programming language. Students do not have to be expert Go users but they will get the most from the workshop if they have completed the majority of the tour.
barbery 2019-01-08 17:19:25 +08:00
server 2019-01-08 17:23:02 +08:00
优惠码 优惠码 优惠码
prolic 2019-01-08 17:39:46 +08:00
EscYezi 2019-01-08 18:10:41 +08:00 via iPhone
zhengxiaowai 2019-01-08 18:40:49 +08:00
放 topic 啊,,,没放怎么买票啊
astaxie OP @zhengxiaowai 早鸟票啊,逐步的会放出来,等过了早鸟再放也合理吧