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[上海][努 NUSIC] Android Developer

  •   bleakwood · 2018-06-27 16:15:12 +08:00 · 1505 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2277 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    努 NUSIC

    Imagine taking your favorite songs and making them into your own original mash-ups you can share with your friends. Imagine if you could do this as part of an expandable game on your phone. Imagine no longer! NUSIC harnesses machine learning to give everyone DJ like powers. Through an automated music mixing system, an "AI DJ", a revolutionary musical fingerprinting algorithm and a Blockchain/distributed ledger payment solution, NUSIC is empowering everyone to get creative with music.

    Position Title

    Full time Android Developer

    Description of Role

    We are seeking an experienced Android developer with a passion for Music! Expertise and/ or knowledge of Audio/Music technology is not required, but would be a great bonus! You ’ ll be working as the primary Android developer for our app, and help us take it to the next level. We follow agile methodology, and we already have a working android demo. We are looking for someone with experience in both app and game development, on Android, who ’ s interested joining an exciting new company.



    • Graduate or masters of Computer Science or related.
    • At least 2 years experience working in industry.
    • 2 years of Java experience
    • At least 1 year of C++ experience.
    • Experience working with teams in an Agile Development environment * English proficiency
    • Love of music


    • Music streaming integration
    • Game development
    • Blockchain
    • Mandarin

    Additional Information

    • Location: Jingan Temple, Shanghai
    • Hours per week: 40h
    • Start Date: June 2018
    • Probation period: 3 months
    • Salary: Competitive full-time salary


    • Resume
    • Cover Letter
    • Please submit any public examples of projects you have previously worked on
    • Tell us what is the best project you have worked on and why?

    Email us!

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