使用的好好的 owncloud 突然不能登录了,并且服务器其他东西也变得狂慢。
在服务器上看了一下,每一个 owncloud 有关的 postgres 进程都几乎 cpu 100%。
我不太懂数据库。。当初是按着 owncloud 的说明一步一步配的。
在日志里看,只要有连接访问 owncloud,就会有大量大量大量下面这样的 log:
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '72431', $2 = '1'
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: execute <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '72431', $2 = '1'
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.019 ms
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.037 ms parse <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.076 ms bind <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '72431', $2 = '1'
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: execute <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '72431', $2 = '1'
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.031 ms
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.038 ms parse <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.074 ms bind <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '72431', $2 = '1'
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: execute <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '72431', $2 = '1'
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.019 ms
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.038 ms parse <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2
Dec 22 15:13:07 xxx postgres[15124]: LOG: duration: 0.076 ms bind <unnamed>: SELECT "path" FROM "oc_filecache" WHERE "fileid" = $1 AND "storage" = $2