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[实习] C++ Developer (Summer)–美国顶尖交易公司-金融科技- Akuna Capital

  •   recruiterit · 2017-02-28 11:52:21 +08:00 · 2418 次点击
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    [实习] C++ Developer (Summer)–美国顶尖交易公司-金融科技- Akuna Capital
    Website : www.akunacapital.com
    简历发送至: [email protected]
    Note: We just consider students who will graduate in 2018.

    Who We Are
    Akuna Capital is a derivatives trading firm headquartered in downtown Chicago that specializes in market making and arbitrage. Akuna started with five employees in 2011 and we now have over 140. In 2014 we grew by 84%, opening our first international office in Shanghai. We compete directly with the largest market making and arbitrage firms in the world. We develop our own software strategies, algorithms, and models. We also have floor traders so we are not entirely an electronic firm. We have no clients and trade only using the firm ’ s own money from its partners. We use cutting-edge technology to build our low latency platform.

    What you ’ ll do:
    In this role, you will work alongside our trading and software team to design and implement elegant solutions to complex and interesting problems.
    Development Interns at Akuna have the opportunity to use cutting-edge technology while working on high performance/low latency systems. We offer a team-based approach to trading and software engineering, believing that productive integration of the two groups is vital for success in this industry. Akuna loves Development Interns who are self-starters and have the ability to work without a constant need for guidance. We value innovation and hard work and want you to make an impact in the firm, even as an intern. Whether you are interested in trading infrastructure, algorithms, models, exchange gateways, performance engineering, hardware, data capture, and analysis, or front-end user interfaces, there ’ s work to be done. If you are excited to jump in and make an immediate difference in a rapidly growing company, Akuna could be the place for you.
    The C++ teams work on applications where C++ is used for computational heavy-lifting and for applications that have timing-critical, low-latency processes such as trading strategies. C++ provides the flexibility and low-level control that our developers need to get maximum performance out of multi-core, super-scalar processors.

    What would make you a top-notch candidate?

    • Pursuing a BS/MS in Computer Science, Engineering, Software or related field
    • Strong programming skills in C++, python is a big plus
    • Good Oral English communication skill
    • Interested in trading technology
    • Demonstrated experience with distributed systems
    • Strong analytic and problem-solving skills
    • Create an easily understood and testable codebase that can change as quickly as market conditions require
    • Passion for innovation and building systems from the ground up
    • Ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment
    • Self-starter attitude with the ability to work independently

    Interview process:(English interview)
    1 application (February ~April)
    2 online test (March~ April)
    3 phone interview (March~ April)
    4 onsite interview(April)
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