Thank you for choosing IDCF Cloud service.
Unfortunately, your current account will be stopped within several days.
Your account: EvanQu
The reason is that we found there is a large number of accounts which are registered by users from outside of Japan, and the majority of those accounts are used fraudulently. Due to the new policy, once we decide the account is used fraudulently, the account will be stopped shortly without notifications.
Apologize for any inconvenience. Appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Kind regards,
BlackBerry 2016-05-23 14:45:03 +08:00
我用的日本手机号和 JCB 信用卡,暂时没收到邮件。
ahillgian 2016-05-23 15:11:04 +08:00
@BlackBerry 日本手机号是怎么来的?
zyqf 2016-05-24 01:24:09 +08:00 via Android
日本 vps 商怎么那么排外