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[上海静安] Platform Engineer (Python) at STUDENT.COM

  •   wearestudent · 2015-12-25 14:22:39 +08:00 · 2980 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3192 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Student.com is the leading global marketplace for student housing


    We help students of all nationalities compare rooms near their university in the world's top destinations. We are creating the new international student experience using leading-edge architecture built for global scale. We build products that serve students in over 20 languages, across web, mobile and social. We have a strict focus across all teams on making the lives of students better. We've created a fast-paced yet close-knit culture and we do whatever it takes to move mountains and achieve our mission.

    Platform Engineer (Python)

    STUDENT.COM Tech is building the new International student experience. We are helping students from over 100 countries through their journey, using leading-edge architecture built for global scale, a dedication to excellence in engineering and a strict focus on making the lives of students better. We build products that serve students in over 20 languages, across web, mobile and social.

    As a Platform Engineer, you will work with other engineers to design, develop, test and maintain components of the company ’ s software Platform. Following leading edge micro-services design patterns, you will build services that anticipate and meet business needs. Using the open-sourceNameko project you will build services that are fully and automatically tested and independently and continuously deployed.

    Additionally, as a Platform Engineer, you will contribute to the team's development, deployment and support processes. In particular, the Platform Engineer will be responsible for monitoring and maintaining services and resolving production service issues.


    • Develop micro-services using the open-source Nameko framework
    • Work with company leaders to conceptualise, build, test and release services
    • Translate business requirements into functional solutions using Domain Driven Design principles
    • Build prototypes and iterate in an agile, test-driven team
    • Follow TDD and CI
    • Optimise performance of the Platform through logging, monitoring and testing
    • Keep up to date on the latest industry trends in micro-services and Python
    • Explain technologies and solutions to technical and non-technical stakeholders
    • Contribute to open-source

    Skills & Experience

    • Computer Science degree or equivalent work-based experience
    • 5+ years Python development (or comparable language)
    • Unit and functional test experience
    • Experience with high-availability systems
    • Solid object-oriented programming fundamentals
    • Service-oriented design experience a plus
    • Continuous Integration (CI) experience a plus
    • Good English communication skills a plus


    Apply for this Job

    Please send an email to [email protected] with your name, email, phone and cv, thanks!

       2015-12-25 14:52:33 +08:00
       2015-12-25 15:19:55 +08:00
    @youdaji 你没面过外企吧, JD 都这样的,看的懂的自然也不在目标范围
       2015-12-25 17:39:33 +08:00
    我家就在你们附近啊...初级 java 要不...
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