vitovan 2015-08-17 08:16:23 +08:00 1
nandaye 2015-08-17 08:28:36 +08:00 via Android 1
好想法 还可以下拉选按距离排序
vitovan 2015-08-17 08:42:48 +08:00
TiramisuDoo 2015-08-17 09:30:00 +08:00
vitovan 2015-08-18 09:24:03 +08:00
嘿,我昨天给你做了个,你看看: http://whereisjob.com/
yangxiongguo OP @vitovan 厉害呀!已 star
xando 2015-08-19 04:50:06 +08:00
Hi I'm the author of https://whoishiring.it Let me know if you think I could help you with the idea.
In the near future I'm planning to add more sources (currently I've got only HN's "Who is hiring", testing Github and StackOverflow as I type ), if you think that V2EX could appear over there as well drop me an email. I can do heavy-lifting with scraping things, although might need some guidance. Sorry for using English here, although my Chinese is as good as Google Translate is. |
vitovan 2015-08-19 07:09:35 +08:00
@xando I've opensourced one https://github.com/VitoVan/whereisjob.com
This one got only V2EX's "awesome jobs", you can check it here: http://whereisjob.com/ |
xando 2015-08-19 17:55:29 +08:00
@vitovan Should I try to include jobs from your repo or you are cool with the thing that you are doing. Are you planing to maintain it, or this was just oneoff to check the idea?
I'm guessing the jobs posts are here https://github.com/VitoVan/whereisjob.com/tree/master/p-system Is V2EX jobs source XML based or you just used some tool to generate those xmls? Can i use it? |
vitovan 2015-08-19 23:24:38 +08:00
@xando https://github.com/VitoVan/whereisjob.com/tree/master/p-system
These are just samples, and they are generated by CL-PREVALENCE (an implementation of Object Prevalence for Common Lisp ), I use them instead of database. you can get json data from below: http://whereisjob.com/cities http://whereisjob.com/job?id=16 feel free to use them. --- one more thing: Google Map is not available in China Mainland. |
xando 2015-08-20 23:31:03 +08:00
Thanks for the tip with Google Maps I think I do something about, I'm guessing that OpenStreetMap will do the job?
Also thanks for directions with json although I might need few more things. - Jobs post get outdated, there is no timestap in the data provided. - Is there a way to generate a list of all available jobs, or I need to guess the id Thanks |
vitovan 2015-08-21 06:09:44 +08:00
@xando Well, if you need more, there's two ways I guess.
* Grab the html from http://v2ex.com/go/jobs, and parse them like I did or * Write a pull request to https://github.com/VitoVan/whereisjob.com , fix what's missing. -------- * timestamps: I'm considering add timestamps to the job instance, but there's no deadline guaranteed. * id: http://whereisjob.com/cities , there's "id" as key inside, is that what you are looking for? |
liuzhen 2015-08-27 17:53:39 +08:00
ls 有人装老外 我要报警了
vitovan 2016-02-22 08:24:17 +08:00