V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海] [点融网] 新年好!第四波招聘职位放出

  •   dianrongwang · 2015-02-25 18:29:19 +08:00 · 2755 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3635 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    给大家拜年了。如果感兴趣,有问题,请戳[email protected]

    1. 与团队及其他部门紧密合作,设计产品和各项功能;
    2. 根据产品需求设计后端实现方式,并配合前端实现最终效果;
    3. 优化代码并保持良好性能;
    4. 高效实施各项新功能的上线;
    5. 良好的代码编写能力,有注释,易维护。
    1. 精通PHP,3年以上PHP开发web产品的实际经验;
    2. 精通Mysql数据库,有SQL优化经验;
    3. 熟练使用Linux平台,完成部署相关工作;
    4. 熟悉网络协议;
    5. 了解NOSQL数据库;
    6. 有社区产品开发经验者优先;
    7. 具备强烈的进取心、求知欲及团队合作精神;
    8. 性格乐观开朗,逻辑性强,善于和各种背景的人合作,善于沟通,较强的学习能力。

    1. 负责点融社区用户账户的后台管理、广告优化工作;
    2. 负责账户关键词的选词、创意撰写、着陆页面、账户结构的优化调整,监控账户的点击、消费、关键词、转化等指标,基于投放效果进行分析并及时进行优化,提高转化率;
    3. 监控并研究行业动态,及时调整投放策略,保持竞争优势不断优化账户;
    4. 针对不同产品特性及网民搜索习惯,确定优化社区各个版块和页面;
    5. 对相关的社区广告版本及页面进行测试及优化,提高社区到点融转化率;
    6. 与运营部门等多个部门配合,多维度有效扩展账户,在保证转化率的基础上提高流量;
    7. 负责账户数据整理与分析,协助完成日报、周报、月报的制作及反馈。
    1. 大专以上学历,熟悉Discuz账户操作,3年以上相关工作经验;
    2. 熟悉目前各个社区运营原理,熟悉后台操作;
    3. 了解各大搜索引擎的产品变化并能灵活应用;
    4. 熟练掌握办公软件,精通Excel,有一定的数据分析经验,了解网站分析;
    5. 做事认真、负责、细心踏实,执行力强。

    UI 设计师-SH2124
    1 Designers will articulate and envision the future of DianRong’s entire portfolio of products, ranging from dianrong products, innovation projects and partner solutions. This will include the following competencies:
    2 Visual Designers will use their expertise in typography, layout, and color to elicit the desired emotional response and connections for a project’s given personas. Attention to detail at the pixel precision level is a must.
    1 Solid understanding of the theories and practices of interaction design and the principles of application design.
    2 Passion for designing elegant solutions to complex problems.
    3 A strong foundation in visual, interactive or industrial design tools. Must have the ability to use industry standard design tools at a minimum of an intermediate level or higher.
    4 Strong foundation in teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and multi-tasking.
    5 Strong focus on client success.
    1 Hands-on skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
    2 Experience with requirements management tools.
    3 Previous work/internship experience on software projects is a plus.
    4 Previous work/internship experience in user interaction or experience design projects is a plus.
    5 Previous work/internship experience on user research or evaluation projects is a plus.
    CV and Portfolio are required

    1 Designers will articulate and envision the future of DianRong’s entire portfolio of products, ranging from dianrong products, innovation projects and partner solutions. This will include the following competencies:
    2 User Experience Designers will craft intuitive interactions and workflows informed by market and audience research —typically in the form of sketches called ‘wireframes’. Industrial designers with strong interaction design skills are welcome to apply.

    1 Solid understanding of the theories and practices of interaction design and the principles of application design.
    2 Passion for designing elegant solutions to complex problems.
    3 A strong foundation in visual, interactive or industrial design tools. Must have the ability to use industry standard design tools at a minimum of an intermediate level or higher.
    4 Strong foundation in teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and multi-tasking.
    5 Strong focus on client success.
    1 Hands-on skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
    2 Experience with requirements management tools.
    3 Previous work/internship experience on software projects is a plus.
    4 Previous work/internship experience in user interaction or experience design projects is a plus.
    5 Previous work/internship experience on user research or evaluation projects is a plus.
    CV and Portfolio are required
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