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Thanks for signing up to join the Mailbox for Mac beta! We’re excited to share it with you. First, we want to provide some context...
Mailbox for Mac will roll out over the coming months. We'll do our best to get the beta to as many testers as possible as quickly as we can. To start, Mailbox for Mac will only be available for users on OS X Mavericks 10.9 and later.
Our top priority is to make Mailbox for Mac as reliable, efficient, and fun to use as Mailbox on your mobile device. This has been our focus since our first launch; we are laying the groundwork for a high-performing app through expansion. We're grateful for your support through this process.
Thanks again for your interest! We look forward to being in touch with more information!
-The Mailbox Team
2 条回复 • 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
loading 2014-04-24 08:31:53 +08:00
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