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[外企机会]总部瑞典, Base 上海, 多个岗位开放, 无远程机会, 网络安全行业 [Lead Security Analyst/SIEM (Splunk) Engineer/Technical Delivery Manager]

  •   tenderstarry · 113 天前 · 1991 次点击
    这是一个创建于 113 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    Orange Cyberdefense 是 Orange 集团旗下的专业网络安全业务公司,为全球组织提供安全管理、威胁检测与响应等托管服务。作为世界领先的安全提供商,我们致力于保障网络空间安全并构建一个更安全的数字社会。
    凭借在信息安全领域超过 25 年的经验,3000 名专家、18 个 SOC 和 14 个 CyberSOC 遍布全球,我们知道如何解决客户的全球和本地问题。在中国,我们的业务涵盖 24/7/365 安全托管检测与响应中心、渗透测试 、漏洞扫描、补丁管理、遭受网络攻击后的调查取证等,并确保跨国企业在国内满足信息安全相关法律的规定。

    Lead Security Analyst

    ##工作地点: 上海


    • Lead the development of the cyber security monitoring service capabilities and maturity level.
    • Lead the development of threat modeling methodologies and frameworks.
    • Regularly conduct threat hunting activities in customer environments, identifying potential threats and producing detailed reports.
    • Stay current with the latest cyber threats, attack vectors, and security trends.
    • Develop and fine-tune use cases for enhanced detection and response.
    • Provide support for ad-hoc security projects, including (but not limited to) penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, incident investigation, and security assessments.
    • Analyze emerging vulnerabilities and conduct exploitation testing to assess potential risks.
    • Mentor and guide new team members on technical environments and established work processes.


    • Bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity, Information Technology, or a related field.
    • 3+ years of experience in cybersecurity.
    • Strong understanding of cybersecurity principles and best practices.
    • Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, PowerShell, or other relevant scripting languages.
    • Fluent in English.

    SIEM (Splunk) Engineer

    工作地点: 上海


    As a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), we're seeking an experienced SIEM Engineer for our Cyber Security Operations Center (CyberSOC) team. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of SIEM tools, predominantly Splunk with a smaller emphasis on Sentinel. The role involves supporting proposal development for new customers and day-to-day operations of existing customer instances. Strong collaboration, hands-on technical skills, and excellent documentation abilities are essential for success in this position.


    Proactively maintain and optimize SIEM instances (primarily Splunk, with some Sentinel) to ensure high performance and availability. Respond promptly to customer requests, incidents, and SIEM-related issues. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and resolve SIEM problems. Document current configurations, maintenance processes, and records. Work closely with customers to understand their requirements and provide effective solutions. Stay current with the latest SIEM features, updates, and best practices. Participate in on-call support for urgent issues.


    • English writing is required; speaking is a plus.
    • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
    • 3 years of hands-on experience as a Splunk and Sentinel Engineer/Administrator.
    • Splunk or Sentinel certifications are a plus.
    • Strong knowledge of Splunk architecture, SPL, and advanced query techniques.
    • Experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining SIEM in enterprise and cloud environments.
    • Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills.
    • Ability to communicate technical concepts to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
    • Proven track record of proactive system maintenance and optimization.
    • Strong documentation skills with the ability to create clear and comprehensive technical documentation.

    Technical Delivery Manager

    工作地点: 上海


    As a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), we are seeking an experienced and dynamic Technical Delivery Manager in our Cyber Security Operations Center (CyberSOC) team. The ideal candidate will possess a deep understanding of cybersecurity, incident response, and threat detection methodologies. The Technical Delivery Manager will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the served customer, and ensuring the effective detection and response to cybersecurity threats from customers.


    • Passion for Customer Service: Demonstrated enthusiasm for providing exceptional customer service and building strong client relationships.
    • Familiarity with Enterprise IT Architecture and Management Processes: Proficient understanding of enterprise IT architecture, organizational structures, and management processes.
    • Knowledge of Customer Service Processes: Familiarity with customer service standards and best practices, with the ability to effectively manage client expectations.
    • English Language Proficiency: Strong communication skills in English, both verbal and written, to effectively interact with international clients and stakeholders.

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    推荐他人并成功入职, 6 个月后会有 2000 的奖金
    注: 所有岗位均不可远程 or part time
    2 条回复    2024-11-22 16:48:29 +08:00
       112 天前
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