做任务点点点就好了,做完第一组任务能拿 25exp ,大概 100rmb 唯一的难度是第五个任务要拉一个人,建议大家有序拉人,毕竟一个就够了,互相帮助一下 https://zealy.io/cw/ar-io/invite/1Pp-oJIER8HcR9E2CGBN2
MrCedar OP 还有一个忘记说了,就是你拉的人要获得 10exp 才算有效,原文如下:
Here is a list of users who have accepted your invitation. To be included in the count, they must have at least 10 XP. Once you claim a quest, the invitations will be used up, and you can view them by changing the status in the dropdown menu below. 目前,俺的 aff 还是没生效,可以走我的,感谢 |