在 D:\GoProject\src\power\project_name\cmd\listener> 目录下执行 go build 命令(说明:project 是 项目名称):
\GoProject\src\power\project\cmd\listener>go build .\main.go
# auto-task/task/create
usage: compile [options] file.go...
-% int
debug non-static initializers
-+ compiling runtime
-B disable bounds checking
-C disable printing of columns in error messages
-D path
set relative path for local imports
-E debug symbol export
-G accept generic code (default 3)
-I directory
add directory to import search path
-K debug missing line numbers
-L show full file names in error messages
-N disable optimizations
-S print assembly listing
-V print version and exit
-W debug parse tree after type checking
build code compatible with C/C++ address sanitizer
-asmhdr file
write assembly header to file
-bench file
append benchmark times to file
-blockprofile file
write block profile to file
-buildid id
record id as the build id in the export metadata
-c int
concurrency during compilation (1 means no concurrency) (default 1)
clobber dead stack slots (for debugging)
clobber dead registers (for debugging)
compiling complete package (no C or assembly)
-cpuprofile file
write cpu profile to file
-d value
enable debugging settings; try -d help
generate DWARF symbols (default true)
use base address selection entries in DWARF (default true)
add location lists to DWARF in optimized mode (default true)
support references to Go symbols defined in other shared libraries
-e no limit on number of errors reported
-embedcfg file
read go:embed configuration from file
-gendwarfinl int
generate DWARF inline info records (default 2)
-goversion string
required version of the runtime
-h halt on error
-importcfg file
read import configuration from file
-importmap definition
add definition of the form source=actual to import map
-installsuffix suffix
set pkg directory suffix
-j debug runtime-initialized variables
-json string
version,file for JSON compiler/optimizer detail output
-l disable inlining
-lang string
Go language version source code expects
-linkobj file
write linker-specific object to file
generate code that will be linked against Go shared libraries
debug liveness analysis
-m print optimization decisions
-memprofile file
write memory profile to file
-memprofilerate rate
set runtime.MemProfileRate to rate
build code compatible with C/C++ memory sanitizer
-mutexprofile file
write mutex profile to file
reject local (relative) imports
-o file
write output to file
-p path
set expected package import path
write to file.a instead of file.o
-r debug generated wrappers
enable race detector
generate code that can be linked into a shared library
reduce the size limit for stack allocated objects
-spectre list
enable spectre mitigations in list (all, index, ret)
compiling standard library
-symabis file
read symbol ABIs from file
-t enable tracing for debugging the compiler
-traceprofile file
write an execution trace to file
-trimpath prefix
remove prefix from recorded source file paths
-v increase debug verbosity
-w debug type checking
enable write barrier (default true)
说明:(1)错误提示中第一行的 auto-task/task/create 是项目的目录。
1.修改 project 上一级目录名称,如 power 修改为 power1,结果可以正常编译。
2.将 project 移动到 GoProject 之外的目录,结果可以正常编译。
请教各位大佬,为什么用 power 这个名字就不行,可能是因为什么原因造成的?
![]() |
body007 299 天前
第二个就是答案,自从有了 go mod 之后,不要把项目放到 gopath 目录下,gopath 在 go mod 之后就是个缓存目录,里面的文件也尽量不要编辑。
我估计你的 go mod 文件 第一行有包含 .../power/project/... ,go 编译时会查找 gopath 目录下的代码也会查找 go.mod 文件开始的子目录路径,而你把项目放到 gopath 目录下,估计引起了冲突。把 power 改为 power1 后,如果你的 go.mod 文件没有同步更改,那么 go 在查找路径时不会冲突,所以第一个也能编译(这个是我推测的) |