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bettercallbalds OP 欢迎使用~~~~
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gransh 322 天前 ![]() 我提几点建议:
1.点击开始测试又跳出来一个选择水平的,既然如此为什么不把这个选水平加在教育程度和学习目的下面呢,点开始测试就直接开始呗 2.文章太长太费时间,如果非得这么长一篇文章起码安排个 3-5 个问题吧 3.文章的排版时宽时窄,跳的眼花 4.默认有个选项是选中的,应该改成未选中状态,让人自己选 5.下面那个 Selected: 0/1/2 没有意义,反而让人迷惑 Selected0 是啥也没选吗?要么去掉,改成选项 A/B/C 也行 |
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bettercallbalds OP @gransh #2 嗯嗯 谢谢朋友的建议 确实很多 ui 和设计上的问题,下几个版本会着重优化一下~
关于第 1 点我是想同时兼顾选择水平的和跳过填表的人直接测试,这款你有啥建议吗,因为有的人确实是老用户,直接选个下拉框就去测了。 |
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defunct9 322 天前
Dr. Smith ventured deeper into the scorching desert, clutching his water detector tightly. The relentless sun beat down, casting harsh shadows across the endless expanse of sand. But Dr. Smith pressed on, determined to unlock the desert's secrets despite the hostile environment.
As he delved further into the arid landscape, the ground beneath Dr. Smith's feet began to tremble. Suddenly, monstrous creatures erupted from the sand—sand worms, their gaping jaws snapping hungrily as they lunged towards him. With lightning reflexes, Dr. Smith dodged the creatures' attacks, his heart pounding with adrenaline. But the sand worms were relentless, their razor-sharp teeth gnashing dangerously close. In the chaos, Dr. Smith lost his equipment, leaving him defenseless against the ferocious beasts. With no time to spare, Dr. Smith sprinted across the desert sands, the hot breath of the sand worms close behind. Fear threatened to overwhelm him, but he clung to his water detector with unwavering determination—it was his only hope of survival in the unforgiving wilderness. What does Dr. Smith lose during his encounter with the sand worms? His water detector His hat His map |
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defunct9 322 天前
上面这一个的答案是 water detector ?
lihaokey 322 天前
回家后让我家娃测下,目前 4 年级。
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bettercallbalds OP @defunct9 #5 hi 不好意思 这道题问题描述错了 我更改一下 非常感谢~
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bettercallbalds OP @lihaokey #6 嗯好, 可以从初级开始 如果孩子能力超强也可看看初级了
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bettercallbalds OP @defunct9 #5 修复了🙏
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yaocf 320 天前
Veruca Salt paused, her eyes locking with the assembly before her. A moment of silence hung in the air, thick with anticipation. Then, her attention shifted, drawn to a diminutive squirrel perched at the table's edge, its paws delicately clutching a walnut.
"Very well," Veruca declared, a mischievous glint in her eye, "you shall be mine!" With a swift motion, she extended her arms towards the unsuspecting creature. But in that infinitesimal instant, as her fingers splayed to ensnare her prize, the room erupted into a frenzy. It was as if a bolt of brown lightning had struck, electrifying the space with sudden movement. Each squirrel, previously still as a statue, sprang into action. They launched themselves from their seats, a coordinated battalion of fur and claws, converging upon her with astonishing agility. Veruca, caught off guard by the unexpected assault, could only gasp as the furry horde descended upon her. They clambered over her arms, shoulders, and head, their tiny feet pattering against her skin, their tails flicking in her face. The room, once filled with the quiet murmur of the gentle creatures, now resounded with the chaos of chittering and scolding. In the midst of the pandemonium, the little squirrel with the walnut remained poised, its bright eyes watching the scene unfold with a wisdom beyond its years. It seemed to understand the folly of Veruca's greed, the consequence of underestimating those deemed insignificant. As the squirrels retreated, leaving a disheveled Veruca in their wake, the room settled once more into tranquility. The little squirrel turned away, its walnut still secure in its grasp, a silent testament to the day's unexpected lesson. Veruca, now humbled, sat amidst the calm, a newfound respect dawning within her for the creatures she had so carelessly sought to claim Why did the squirrels swarm and scramble over Veruca? They were trying to play a friendly game with her. They were angry that she tried to take one of them. They wanted to show her a new dance they learned. 这个是不是该选择`They were angry that she tried to take one of them.` 而不是答案给的`They wanted to show her a new dance they learned.` 判据: ``` "Very well," Veruca declared, a mischievous glint in her eye, "you shall be mine!" With a swift motion, she extended her arms towards the unsuspecting creature ``` |
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kylebing 320 天前
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bettercallbalds OP @yaocf #10 hi 你说得对 估计是我录入时看串了 我改一下 多谢反馈
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bettercallbalds OP @kylebing #11 小学这个分数不错啦 可以继续学习继续测 目前题库还比较有限 之后想推出不重复的超大题库 让大家无限测
Refrigetwo 319 天前
还行,我测了个 800
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bettercallbalds OP @Refrigetwo #14 等高级题库出了欢迎挑战
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yaocf 319 天前
@bettercallbalds 期待不重复题库。
impala67 319 天前 via Android
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bettercallbalds OP @impala67 #17 嗯呢 产品上或者内容上有任何想法都可以随时交流~
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bettercallbalds OP @yaocf #16 嗯嗯 最近忙完了研发我就会去扩充题库的~
Yzzzed 319 天前
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bettercallbalds OP @Yzzzed #20 根据原版书做的内容 题型比较像 内容远离应试的东西了 尽量有点意思哈哈
Yzzzed 318 天前
@bettercallbalds 做了几遍 感觉我还是那种能找到答案但没有理解文章内容的水平
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bettercallbalds OP @Yzzzed 理解你的意思 其实可理解输入能做到理解 70-80%就够了,测出来的水平也是我们刚好有挑战的阅读难度,之后再继续输入同一水平的书籍逐步进步。功能方面我可能会加入同水平书籍推荐,读一段时间再来测会感受到进步
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bettercallbalds OP 4 月迭代结束
5 月会给大家更好的体验~ |
anqi471530157 303 天前
@bettercallbalds |