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@857681664 #97 大部分场景下可以相信数据库的性能,supabase user 表的定义我贴在下面:
create table
auth.users (
instance_id uuid null,
id uuid not null,
aud character varying(255) null,
role character varying(255) null,
email character varying(255) null,
encrypted_password character varying(255) null,
email_confirmed_at timestamp with time zone null,
invited_at timestamp with time zone null,
confirmation_token character varying(255) null,
confirmation_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
recovery_token character varying(255) null,
recovery_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
email_change_token_new character varying(255) null,
email_change character varying(255) null,
email_change_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
last_sign_in_at timestamp with time zone null,
raw_app_meta_data jsonb null,
raw_user_meta_data jsonb null,
is_super_admin boolean null,
created_at timestamp with time zone null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone null,
phone text null default null::character varying,
phone_confirmed_at timestamp with time zone null,
phone_change text null default ''::character varying,
phone_change_token character varying(255) null default ''::character varying,
phone_change_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
confirmed_at timestamp with time zone null,
email_change_token_current character varying(255) null default ''::character varying,
email_change_confirm_status smallint null default 0,
banned_until timestamp with time zone null,
reauthentication_token character varying(255) null default ''::character varying,
reauthentication_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
is_sso_user boolean not null default false,
deleted_at timestamp with time zone null,
constraint users_pkey primary key (id),
constraint users_phone_key unique (phone),
constraint users_email_change_confirm_status_check check (
(email_change_confirm_status >= 0)
and (email_change_confirm_status <= 2)
) tablespace pg_default;

create index if not exists users_instance_id_idx on auth.users using btree (instance_id) tablespace pg_default;

create index if not exists users_instance_id_email_idx on auth.users using btree (instance_id, lower((email)::text)) tablespace pg_default;

create unique index confirmation_token_idx on auth.users using btree (confirmation_token)
((confirmation_token)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text) tablespace pg_default;

create unique index recovery_token_idx on auth.users using btree (recovery_token)
((recovery_token)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text) tablespace pg_default;

create unique index email_change_token_current_idx on auth.users using btree (email_change_token_current)
(email_change_token_current)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text
) tablespace pg_default;

create unique index email_change_token_new_idx on auth.users using btree (email_change_token_new)
(email_change_token_new)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text
) tablespace pg_default;

create unique index reauthentication_token_idx on auth.users using btree (reauthentication_token)
(reauthentication_token)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text
) tablespace pg_default;

create unique index users_email_partial_key on auth.users using btree (email)
(is_sso_user = false) tablespace pg_default;

create trigger on_auth_user_created
after insert on auth.users for each row
execute function handle_new_user ();
supabase 也是这么做的
“我本来的想法是用单独的表管理所有验证方式,比如注册验证邮件,改密码验证邮件,还有大概率手机验证,2FA 之类的,然后他直接把 token 和过期时间存 user 表里了”
2023-12-11 09:47:34 +08:00
回复了 yaott2020 创建的主题 Linux 你倾向于哪个 Linux 桌面发行版?
一直在用 fedora
@7897894 用 Arc
2022-06-10 11:08:22 +08:00
回复了 wand 创建的主题 Apple 关于 2021 款 14 寸 MacBook Pro 底部外壳异响的问题
@Frank777 我准备在京东买一个试试,不行再退货
@Frank777 是啊,我问了京东店的客服也是说用不了,但是在官网查询参数的话,感觉好像还是可以的
2021-10-23 19:23:14 +08:00
回复了 MonkeyD1 创建的主题 Apple 新款 MacBook M1 Pro 16 真机上手视频
@chrisia #24 是啊,现在这个圆润的边缘,让我想起 redmibook pro
2021-10-22 21:10:42 +08:00
回复了 xiaomingc 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 只有我觉得新 Macbook Pro 圆润的机身很丑吗?
刚开始觉得挺丑的,最近几天天天看感觉 14 寸的还好了,16 寸还是感觉起来有点笨重
2021-10-22 21:04:33 +08:00
回复了 huangmingyou 创建的主题 Apple 有多少人会经常用到笔记本的前置摄像头
@icylogic #75 面试的时候除了问一些问题之外,还要看一下候选人的精神状态,一些问题的表情反应之类的
2021-10-22 09:33:24 +08:00
回复了 huangmingyou 创建的主题 Apple 有多少人会经常用到笔记本的前置摄像头
还挺常用的,场景是面试+跟女朋友 FaceTime
飞书有 m1 的?
2021-05-08 09:56:13 +08:00
回复了 shutongxinq 创建的主题 iPhone iOS 14.5.1 使 iPhone 12 多核性能大减
2021-02-04 14:03:53 +08:00
回复了 revalue 创建的主题 分享发现 相信大家已经被自动注入了搜狗智能助手了吧
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